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Louisa Burnett-Hall

José de Guimarães was born in Guimarães in 1939, and since 1995 his life has been divided between Lisbon and Paris. A stay in Angola during the 1960s and 1970s was to become a determining vector in defining his artistic vocabulary, and the contact with specialists in African ethnology led him to the understanding of symbology existent in many African art objects and suggested an artistic project driven by an effort to create an osmosis between two forms of visual expression, European and African. Yet, if the first decade of artistic production was based in Africa, his more than forty years of work displays complete series focused on the Chinese and Japanese cultures, on the art of Rubens, the literature of Camões and the unique conception of death in Mexico. In the last few years, his path has reflected a tendentiously cosmopolitan vocation of forms and figures.

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